Get your tickets now for an evening of fun and magic. Ticket prices go up on June 21st so book now and save.
This is one of the last public performances before before magicians Ash K. and Kevin the Cap start their historic, unprecedented tour, driving through all 48 states, July 1st - October 31st.
Magic Show Drive Across America
Northern California's Funniest Magician, Ash K. hales from Balka (a very small country East of Poland), and has lived in the San Francisco Bay for a goodly amount of time. Born to a family of professional entertainers in the Eastern European country of Balka, Ash K. began performing for paying audiences by age thirteen, and by age fourteen, allowed them to leave the room for additional payment.
He enjoys reading about European and Asian history, jazz music, crochet (traditionally, a man’s hobby in his country), and is very excited about his national tour.
You can learn more about him at WhoAteTheRabbit.com, and at his site for families, KidsMagicSanFranciscoBayArea.com.
Long suffering in the shadow of his business partner, the famous magician Ash K., Kevin the Cap is now out on his own, amusing your guests for fairly high fees. Because you get what you paid for.
If Oscar Wilde was straight, a bit shorter, and could do really entertaining magic, he'd probably put Kevin out of business. But fortunately Oscar is dead. (Kevin probably had nothing to do with it.)
You can learn more about him at KevinTheCap.com.
Kevin too is excited about the coming tour, but far more freaked out about the logistics. Tour information is at MagicShowDriveAcrossAmerica.com.
Our guest Mr. Tom Collett is a past California Teacher of the Year, who mixes his knowledge of science and his love of magic for an evening of sci-fi wonderment. It's like if Mr. Science and Houdini had a baby and named him Tom.
Tom Collett’s passion for performing magic started when he was five years old. In 2016, he was named “Magician of the Year” by San Jose’s chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
Tom is a sensible person, and is staying home while Kevin & Ash pursue their mad vision.
This show, while created for adults, is appropriate for ages 8+ and involves audience participation.
We do not anticipate having any restrictions in place for capacity, masks, or vaccine requirements, however we strongly encourage only those who are fully vaccinated to attend, and you are welcome and encouraged to wear a mask should you choose to. If any restrictions are imposed per California or San Francisco regulations, we will update you with details. By purchasing tickets, you agree to comply with any restrictions which may end up being in place. Refunds will be available if you no longer feel comfortable attending for any reason. Thank you for your understanding as we do our best to keep everyone healthy while also providing the best possible experience to all.